Get Free Quran in Italian worldwide

Zakat Foundation
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Zakat Foundation™ is a non-profit organization that has been working to promote charitable giving and support underprivileged communities around the world. One of their key initiatives is the distribution of free copies of the Quran in various languages, including Italian.

The Quran is the holy book of Islam and is considered to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a source of guidance and wisdom for Muslims, and its teachings are regarded as the cornerstone of Islamic faith and practice.

Zakat Foundation™ recognizes the importance of making the Quran accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial or geographical circumstances. As such, they have established programs to distribute free copies of the Quran in multiple languages, including Italian, to anyone who wishes to learn more about Islam or deepen their understanding of the Quran.

Through their global network of partners and volunteers, Zakat Foundation™ has been able to distribute thousands of free Quran copies in Italy and around the world. Their efforts have enabled people from all walks of life to access the wisdom and guidance contained within the Quran and to learn more about the Islamic faith.

In addition to providing free Quran copies, Zakat Foundation™ also offers a wide range of services and programs aimed at improving the lives of underprivileged communities. These include disaster relief, food distribution, education, healthcare, and more.

Zakat Foundation™ is committed to promoting charitable giving and supporting those in need, regardless of their race, religion, or background. Through their various initiatives, including the distribution of free Quran copies in Italian, they aim to create a more just and equitable world for all.

In conclusion, Zakat Foundation™ is doing a great service by distributing free copies of the Quran in Italian to people all around the world. Through this initiative, they are promoting interfaith dialogue, fostering understanding and respect among people of different cultures, and enabling more people to access the teachings of the Quran. Their efforts are truly commendable, and they serve as an example of how charitable organizations can make a positive impact on communities around the world.

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You can order a free printed copy of the Quran translation in Italian Language or any other Language comfortable with. We ship worldwide by standard postal service. The copy of the Italian Quran and the shipping charges are free. The Quran readers are allowed to choose only one language at a time. ZAKAT FOUNDATION™ is a unique Italian Quran distribution initiative worldwide which focuses on the Free distribution of the Holy Quran in the Italian Language to those who want and request a copy. We are helping people invest in their future by making The Ultimate Book free. Italian Quran, as well as the shipping, is completely free and there are 33 Quran language prints to choose from published by zakat foundation.

Zakat Foundation™ is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged communities around the world. The organization has been working for over 20 years to provide humanitarian aid and support to those in need. One of the ways in which the Zakat Foundation™ is reaching out to people is by distributing free copies of the Quran in Italian to those who are interested in reading it.

The Quran is considered to be the holy book of Islam, and it is written in Arabic. However, there are many people around the world who do not speak or understand Arabic, and therefore, have difficulty in understanding the Quran. To address this issue, the Zakat Foundation™ has taken the initiative to translate the Quran into different languages, including Italian.

The Zakat Foundation™ distributes free copies of the Quran in Italian worldwide to those who are interested in reading it. This initiative is aimed at making the Quran accessible to a wider audience, especially to those who are not familiar with the Arabic language. By distributing the Quran in Italian, the Zakat Foundation™ hopes to help people understand the teachings of Islam and the message of the Quran in a language that they are familiar with.

The Quran is a book that is rich in wisdom and guidance, and it is believed to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran contains many teachings on morality, ethics, spirituality, and social justice. It also contains stories of the prophets and their teachings, which serve as examples of how to live a righteous life. The Quran is considered to be a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims around the world.

The Zakat Foundation™ believes that everyone should have the opportunity to read the Quran and understand its message. By distributing free copies of the Quran in Italian worldwide, the organization is reaching out to people who may not have had access to the Quran before. The Quran is a book that can help people find peace and guidance in their lives, and the Zakat Foundation™ is committed to making it accessible to everyone.

In addition to distributing free copies of the Quran in Italian, the Zakat Foundation™ is also involved in many other humanitarian and charitable activities. The organization provides assistance to people affected by natural disasters, war, and poverty. It also supports orphans and widows, provides healthcare and education, and helps to build sustainable communities. The Zakat Foundation™ is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of people around the world.

In conclusion, the Zakat Foundation™ is doing an admirable job by distributing free copies of the Quran in Italian worldwide. By making the Quran accessible to a wider audience, the organization is helping to promote understanding and tolerance among people of different cultures and religions. The Quran is a book that can provide guidance and inspiration to people of all faiths, and the Zakat Foundation™ is committed to making it available to everyone. We applaud the efforts of the Zakat Foundation™ and hope that their work will continue to make a positive impact on the lives of people around the world.